Sandy Plains Bulldogs – Purchase Contract
The Purchaser agrees and understands that a puppy purchased from Sandy Plains American Bulldogs will never be used for dog fighting or any other form of illegal activity!
The Purchaser agrees: To take full responsibility for keeping this dog in good physical and mental condition throughout the dog’s life. The dog will be kept up to date on vaccinations including Bordetella and parasite control. The purchaser guarantees the dog will receive proper veterinary attention, should the dog become sick or injured, in addition to annual examinations and vaccinations.
The purchaser will properly socialize the dog with people and other animals starting immediately. The purchaser understands the importance of socialization and obedience training for this breed.
The purchaser agrees to keep the dog in a safe environment at all times. This dog will be kept as a member of the family and attend as many family events as possible. This dog will never be chained up or stuck in a small kennel, either indoors or outdoors.If the purchaser chooses to crate train the dog, it must be done properly. The dog should never be thrown in a crate as punishment or for long periods of time if the owner is at home. The purchaser understands the purpose of crate training and the necessity for the dog to be able to run and play freely in order to allow the dog to grow & develop properly. Keeping a dog confined to a crate for extended periods can result in improper development of the entire skeletal system as well as the dog’s mental stability.
The purchaser agrees to provide the dog with the proper amount of quality food. It is also recommended by the breeder that the dog should receive vitamin supplements including Glucosamine/Chondroitin for good joint and overall health. This dog must always be provided with fresh water, proper grooming, exercise, proper shelter, and humane treatment.
If for any reason the purchaser can no longer properly care for, cannot keep or will not keep the dog, the breeder will be notified immediately and given first option to take the dog back and place it in a new home. This will be treated as a rescue situation and the breeder will not refund any money to the purchaser. The purchaser agrees never to turn the dog over to the humane society or another animal adoption agency.
The purchaser agrees that he/she will have the dog neutered or spayed by 2 years of age if there are no plans for breeding the dog. The purchaser understands that there are health risks of infections for unaltered pets.
The purchaser agrees not to breed this dog until the dog’s hips have been OFA or Penn Hip certified. If the dog’s Penn Hip score falls below the median range (.55) for the breed or if the dog’s OFA rating is below fair the dog will not be bred and must be spayed or neutered. No female dog will be bred prior to 24 months of age.
The purchaser understands by signing this contract that he/she is bound to the terms listed within this contract. Failure of the purchaser to comply with these contract terms will constitute a breach of contract and the breeder has the right to reclaim the dog. If the breeder must reclaim the dog the purchaser will be responsible for all costs incurred in any actions to reclaim possession of the said dog, including transportation costs, legal fees, court costs, boarding fees, and veterinarian costs.
Purchaser Signature:________________________________
Date: ___________
Breeders Signature: ________________________________
Date: ___________